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Project Reviews

Weekly status roundup at Four Kitchens
Jawad Anibri

Centralizing complex project info

Client projects have many moving parts and frequently project managers are working across different projects at the same time. Keeping everyone updated on the status frequently requires compiling data from numerous sources and can be tedious and error prone. Even once all the info has been updated weekly status updates get lost to time and it's hard to find where things got off track.

Project Dashboards bring all the info together

Bringing together Weekly status updates, budget info and Task status into a single dashboard allows us to quickly see all the pertinent info for a project in one place and allows us to track project status over time as well.
See also Four Kitchen's Project Roundup which provides a weekly scorecard, and aggregates updates from different roles on the project so that account representatives, project managers and producers can provide their input independently. This increases communication between different parts of the team and surfaces any breaks in communication.

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